How does this happen to me? How is my immune system so sub-par that I just walk around with a big bullseye on my forehead, waiting for a big gang of germs to spot me and rain down on me like a hailstorm?
See, I should have known last night. Kevin and I went to my parents house last night after church to watch a movie on my dad's GIANT new TV. It's huge. Anyway, we were munching on pizza and salad, and I took a sip of my Corona and it just tasted funny. Plus my appetite was pretty much non-existant. I went home and took a handfull of vitamins - a multi-V, vitamin D, a MASSIVE vitamin C chewable, and another big oval shaped one that I can't remember the name of....then I sipped a big steaming mug of chamomile honey tea, and drifted off to sleep praying that I'd managed to dodge it. Woke up this morning, and I SO did not dodge it. quite the opposite, actually. I think my cold took advantage of the fact that I was sleeping and got to work on my system.
I have that funny feeling in my head that you get when you have a cold, like your head is actually inside a moderately sized fish-bowl, and everything you hear is both muffled, and absolutely aggravating to your ears.
I have a scratchy throat that makes me want to not talk at all. Did I mention that my job is talking on the phone a lot? It is. Boo.
I have chills, even though I'm wearing a long warm skirt, and two long sleeved shirts. About to reach into my desk drawer and pull out my fleece shawl and wrap it around myself in a manner suggesting that I don't really care how I look right now. I'd like to go home now and curl up in bed with the big brown furry blanket, and snuggle up with a hot water bottle by my feet, and sniffle and sip on chamomile tea, and Canada Dry ginger ale, which reminds me of my Papa.
PS: I also want some chicken noodle soup. I know I'm supposed to be doing the vegan/vegetarian thing, but I want some chicken noodle soup. And some vanilla pudding. And my strawberry pajamas.
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