Hooray! You read it right! I got my very first Etsy sale on Satruday! I am giddy (still...and it's Monday). A lovely lady from California saw my Peacock clutch and said "I've GOT to have that...". So there's a little box on a little UPS box somewhere nearby with my little package on it, making it's way to the sunny coast. Awesome.
I've also been working on some new designs over the past couple weeks - a smaller version of the Amelia clutch, and a shorter version of the Maggie traveller (with a flap). Both will be appearing in my shop very very soon, so take a peek by and see them!
And now for the scary news - the oh-my-gosh-all-that-cheating-on-the-low-carb-diet-really-did-me-in news. I got on the scale this morning. Not pretty. I wound up jumping in on my office's weight loss challenge this morning. A little wierd to do a weight loss challenge at work? Maybe. Do I need to lose as much weight as my competitors? Probably not (the lady I work with who did the weigh-ins said "Uh, why are you doing this thing?"). But I'm determined. There are 15lbs on me that don't need to be there, and I want them GONE! So Kevin and I are back on the bandwagon - time for nice dinners of fresh leafy greens with oil and vinegar and pepper, and salami, or fish, or some nice lean pork chops! Time for tea in the morning instead of coffee! Time to drink so much water during the day, that people around the office start to get concerned about how often I need to hit the bathroom. Time to get myself to a point where I don't look completely frightening in a swimsuit.
It's on!
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