My dad's a pretty cool guy. If you've met him, then you already know.
My dad's actually a lot like me (or I'm a lot like him...he was here first).
Neither of us are super great at keeping secrets. Neither of us can keep a straight face when mischief is going on. If we're telling a joke that's REALLY funny, we will crack up right as we're getting ready to tell the punch line. This kind of ruins the joke sometimes. Both of us are aware of this. Still can't help ourselves.
What would my life have been like if he hadn't supported me when I floundered in my first year of college, and decided to drop out? Seriously. I was a mess for a while. No idea where I was going, or what I was going to do instead. That fun phase lasted until well after I moved to Atlanta.
What would have happened if he and my mom hadn't supported me when I decided to buy the house that Kevin and I now call "home"? I can't even imagine.
What would my life be like if his job hadn't moved us to Atlanta from Ontario? If I had stayed in school, maybe I wouldn't have moved when I did (if at all!). If I hadn't moved down to Atlanta with my family, would I have ended the relationship that I needed to end? .
I still remember the day that I decided it was time. I was sitting in the passenger seat of my dad's Mustang, we had the top down, and it was a gorgeous sunny day. We had "Thriller" playing. I don't know what it was, but in that moment, I just knew. We talked about everything for a bit, and then he astonished me with a question: "Well, what do YOU want?". I still remember being blown away. I hadn't thought about that in a long time. What did I want? Was it as easy as just saying it, then going after it? It didn't take long for me to realize that I wanted a full and happy life in Atlanta. I was ready to find the man I was going to spend the rest of my life with, and marry him. I was just ready, and I knew it. I'm thankful every day for that conversation with my dad in his Mustang, and I don't think I'll ever hear Thriller again without thinking of it.
I met Kevin a few months later in September, and by the following May, we were engaged.
Every day I'm thankful that my Heavenly Father sent me my Dad. Love you Dad!
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