I look a lot like my mom. A lot like my mom. People just know that I'm her daughter, even people who don't actually know me. It's crazy.
My mom just never gets tired. We're different that way. She just keeps going like some crazy person who never runs out of energy, while I prefer to mix productivity with little breaks to check twitter, and stand in front of the open fridge and eat things before getting back to work.
Last week was a breaking point for me. I love love love our little home, but the kitchen was making me want to pull my hair out and scream incomprehensibly. It was a disorganized mess. I had moved in without having very much stuff to put in the cabinets, but slowly over time with the addition of some of Kevin's stuff, plus what we got from wedding registries, our cabinets began to burst with disorganized junk. It was so bad that I just about stopped using Tupperware, because all my containers and lids were mismatched and piled up haphazardly in the cavernous cabinet next to the dishwasher, and if you opened the door even just a LITTLE bit, everything would fall out, and I'd just get angry and sad and throw everything back in and jam the door shut in a cloud of frustration.
I was blorft about my kitchen. Blorft is a Tina Fey word. It basically means that you're completely overwhelmed, but are proceeding as if everything is fine and reacting to the stress with the torpor of a possum. Blorft. I dare you to use it in a sentence tomorrow.
Then I remembered. My mom's kitchen is always TOTALLY organized. Plus, she's one of those weird people who actually like to organize messes. For some reason, I'm good at organizing messes at work, but terrible at doing it at home.
So I called her. She came over. From 10am till about 3pm we went through our kitchen and organized the heck out of it. At one point I was sitting looking totally freaked out on the step stool in the middle of the kitchen, surrounded by a pile of mismatched/broken/gross Tupperware containers, and a shockingly large collection of travel mugs that were either broken, had no lids, or leaked like crazy when you put liquid in them. PLUS, I had sent Kevin to the store to get things for our dinner with friends that night, and insisted that he bring me home a big bag of walnuts so I could make walnut orange Gorgonzola salad. Turns out I had like 6 bags of walnuts. I also had an absolutely obscene amount of chocolate chips. Do you like chocolate chips? Do you need any chocolate chips? Because I have about a trillion of them. Also I seem to be a powdered sugar hoarder. I had about four bags. There are chocolate chip cookies in my future.
Needless to say, the kitchen is super clean now. And I seriously couldn't have done it without my mom. I told Kevin after she left that if I had even attempted it by myself, I would have pulled everything out of the cabinets, crumbled under the massive overwhelming feeling of what a gross person I am, and walked out of the kitchen to go cry on the couch. My mom is just that cool for helping me all day. So much so, that I can almost overlook the fact that she seemed to be having a crazy amount of fun doing it.
My mom is the best. There's a lot that I just couldn't do without her, and I'd be a hot mess if she wasn't my mama....
On the bright side, everything is TOTALLY organized now. Kevin and I are even looking around to price out brand new cabinets and counters for the kitchen (eek!) and even though this project won't happen right away, I'm VERY excited about it.
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