Friday, April 13, 2012

Fave Five...

I like to make lists. I like to make lists at work. I like to cross things off from lists. It's pretty fun, you have to admit. Between you and me, sometimes I put things on there that I've already completed, just for the pure satisfaction of feeling like I accomplished more. Don't tell anybody. It'll be our little secret. Here's a list of things I'm really digging right now....

Essie's "Turquoise and Caicos". I cut my nails nice and short, and painted this over a layer of OPI's "Dear Diary", and finished it off with two thick coats of clear lacquer. I feel fancy. It looks like I went to the salon, except usually when I go to get a professional manicure, the little Korean lady who does them usually cuts one of my cuticles too short, and it hurts, and then I vow to never go back (until I do). All the joy of a fresh looking manicure, without the knife-wielding Korean lady attacking my poor innocent cuticles like a jungle explorer chopping through bamboo with a machete. And it's turquoise. I love turquoise. 

This water bottle. You fill it, and as you sip, it filters the water for you! Brilliant! And perfect, since it seems like the Brita jug in the fridge at works mysteriously ends up there completely empty at the exact moment that I'm super thirsty. I ordered mine from our Amazon Prime account, and it arrives Monday! Plus, it's supposedly spill proof, which is really excellent, because I tend to fall over my own feet. True story. 

If I could just magically create an outfit out of thin air, this would be my perfect date night outfit. Casual. Crazy. It's got red glasses. It's a winner. I'd wear this out on Saturday night to see the Hunger Games with my awesome husband. 

This Carrot Ginger Elixir from Shutterbean is delicious, and I swear it helped me get over whatever crazy insane stomach bug/cold/who knows what that I had the other day. Seriously. Try it. Go do it right now. 

KT Tape! Kevin and I have been using this stuff (he's got what we think is paroneal tendonitis, and I have posterior shinsplints) for the past few weeks as we do our couch to 5k training, and so far so good! I will say, though, that once we ran out of our original roll, we bought the KT Tape PRO next, and it seems like it has more staying power, especially when you want to wear it for a few days and not have it fall off after you get out of the shower. 

xoxo have a great weekend!

ps: check out my husband's blog. He's a genius, and he wrote an awesome blog post on how he used C# programming to make our thermostat fancy and automated. It's okay if the actual code part confuses you. It confused me too. Just focus on the concept :)

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