Monday, June 25, 2012

Keep Calm...

It's funny how no matter where you work, the time of the year that's most busy varies like crazy! When I worked in commercial lighting, January was crazy-town. In the on-campus Residence Life world? June and July are the time when you buckle your seat belt and hang on till September!

Between that, and being crazy busy at home during the evenings and on weekends, I've experienced many a moment when I need to just stop what I'm doing, get up, and put on a kettle of water to boil for tea. I think I come by that urge very naturally. I remember many an occasion where things just weren't going properly, and my mom would ask if I'd like a cup of tea.

I don't always handle stress with the poised perfection I'd like to, but who does? Kevin can attest to that. He has a particularly hilarious (in hindsight) iPhone video of me sitting at my parents kitchen table the day before our wedding, frantically wiring together corsages for the grandparents. The look on my face is pure panic, and I distinctly remember thinking that every second ticking by was one less second that I could be using to put corsages together. There's a possibility that I also have a coworker who regularly tells me I need to stop stressing out about everything. There's a possibility that I'm right.

So how do you handle stress? Prayer? Deep breathing? Yoga? Witty banter with your coworker across the hallway? I want to hear all about it! Hit the comments below!

AND don't forget to check out my post on summer beverages and a GIVEAWAY for a chance to win this sweet little number below!

xo Diana

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