Thursday, August 8, 2013

A Whole30 Day...

I thought it might be fun today (on day 12) to give you a peek into my Whole30 day in pictures

5:30 a.m. 

The alarm goes off, and we get up to go for our morning walk. This has become one of my favorite things, and we've been doing it pretty consistently for a few months now. It's nice because it's morning, and Kevin and I get to have some time together before the day starts, and we get to give Ruby some exercise while that's happening. Multi-tasking before the sun even comes up? I love it! Obviously this picture can be used as evidence that I don't put a whole lot of thought into my morning walk ensemble. gray and black polka-dot socks with vintage-fabric-patterned Rocket Dog sneakers and workout capri pants? Not my most incredible look.

7:00 a.m. 

Coffee! I haven't always been a huge coffee drinker, but I've grown to enjoy a cup or two in the mornings. The funny thing is that since I've been doing Whole30, I really haven't felt the need for coffee. When my alarm goes off (and sometimes before it goes off), I'm wide awake and super alert and ready to take on the day. This alertness has pretty consistently lasted through the day until I lay down in bed, at which point I pretty much fall asleep immediately. But still. Coffee. I love my morning coffee. I could have coconut milk in my coffee and still be Whole30 compliant, but I like it just black!

9:00 a.m. 

Breakfast is key! I used to be a sort of casual breakfast eater. I was more of a breakfast snacker. On Whole30, though, I'm focusing on making sure I have three well-rounded meals per day. Breakfast on this particular day was sort of a sweet potato hash cooked in coconut oil topped with two fried eggs and a sprinkling of salt and pepper. I also had a few walnuts I ate after the eggs and hash (to make sure I had some healthy fat with my meal).

12:00 p.m. 

I love the simplicity of cooking Whole30 meals! This day's lunch was some tilapia cooked in coconut oil. I had eaten tilapia for dinner the night before, so I just tossed another fillet in the pan to cook for lunch the next day. I paired it up with a salad of chopped cucumber, tomato, and sliced sweet peppers. Afterwards I had a good tea-spoon sized amount of almond butter to make sure my healthy fat was in the mix! That fish was exactly as flaky and tasty as it looks in the picture....

7:00 p.m. 

I have to say, I remember being pretty excited about dinner on this particular night. I seasoned up a few little steaks and Kevin grilled them. I put some sliced mushrooms in a pan with some coconut oil and a little balsamic vinegar, seasoned the whole thing with some salt and pepper, and served the steak sliced up with the mushrooms on top and a fried egg (to make sure my meal had enough protein). I added a few fresh tomato slices, and a little bowl of some tasty whole olives (olives make a great 'fat' component to a meal!)

So there you have it, folks! A whole day of Whole30! When I first started writing this post, I thought I would include recipes for each meal, but everything is just so.....whole! I haven't been doing much mixing or fancy recipes. I've really enjoyed taking time to appreciate the simple good flavors of everything I cook. If you're thinking you might like to do your own Whole30, check here to get started!

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