That makes it almost November, which makes it almost my third anniversary being married to Kevin. THAT is crazy. It's crazy because in some ways, I feel like we just met last week. On the other hand, sometimes I think back to before I met him, and it feels like a million years ago.
I'll never forget our wedding. There was this moment during the ceremony when the whole "I now pronounce you husband and wife" part happened, and I was just so out-of-my-mind happy that I did this awkward hilarious little clap of glee. I sort of remember the audience getting a little chuckle out of it. I love that our sweet photographers captured the moment. I just love the look on Kevin's face. It's just this look of love mixed with "yep, she's clapping". The funny thing is, I never got over that feeling. Sometimes (all the time) I just look at him and sort of marvel at him. He's so smart, and so funny, and so kind. His heart is so big, his wit is so sharp, and I don't know what I ever did before I met him. When I was younger, I'd hear people describe their spouse as their best friend. I don't think I ever believed them. It just sounded so cheesy. I feel like it is true for us, though. He's far and above my very best friend in the whole world. I just relish every minute we have together. I love weekdays, when we get up way before the sun and go for a walk or a run at the park. I love the quiet talks we have in the morning. But even more than that, I hate when we have to be apart. I miss him during the day when we're both at work. I get super over-dramatic when he has to travel for work: "don't they know I need you every day?". He's not perfect, and I'm not either, but every day I am blessed just by being his wife. Most of the little laugh wrinkles I'm starting to get around my mouth are from him, and I couldn't be happier about it.
Love you, Kev!
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