Saturday, February 1, 2014

January Cure: Complete!

I can't believe it's February. My current state of disbelief is probably due in part to the fact that January was insane. Between work being crazy, having critters in our attic, car repairs, a sick dog, and getting stranded at my parents house for two days while Atlanta was in the grip of the Polar Vortex, it's been nuts. 

It's not all been bad, though! If you recall my post from the beginning of the year, I participated in Apartment Therapy's January Cure. While I strayed a bit from the step-by-step instructions, the overall process was so great. It really gave me the motivation I needed to go room-by-room in our house and figure out little project lists for each area. Little things like sorting through clothes to donate to Goodwill, and organizing my spices were done quickly. Putting the finishing touches on our kitchen remodel, and organizing our cluttered closets took longer. I'm not 100% of the way through all of my little to-do's, but I sat down today at my clean organized desk and gave myself a little treat (picture above). Just a little dish of raw pecans, a teeny weeny slice of pecorino romano, a small square of very very dark chocolate with flaked sea salt, and some dried cranberries. I rarely eat chocolate or cheese, but just a tiny piece of each felt like a decadent reward for a month of really hard work! 

What did you accomplish in January?

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