Monday, March 24, 2014

New Directions

No, I promise this isn't a post about Glee. I watched that show back in the early days, and I recently caught a promo of a newer episode and was genuinely like "uh, so now they're all in New York, and somehow that guy from American Idol is part of it now....?". Yeah.


This is a post about goals. If you've been reading this blog for a while, you know that last August I started a pretty challenging (but super rewarding) journey toward losing a bunch of the weight that I'd inadvertently gained over the past 10-ish years. I talk a lot about my progress here. I love eating Paleo, and I definitely have no plans to give it up any time soon, but I think it's safe to say that the past couple of weeks have really changed the direction I'm going in. Every day since August 3rd, 2013 was mostly about getting 'skinny' again. Getting back the body I had when I was in high school and could still get away with eating a plate of poutine and a cream-cheese bagel for lunch on the regular, and not end up looking like the blueberry girl from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. And don't get me wrong, losing weight for the purpose of getting to a healthy weight is a totally legitimate goal, and I'm so so so thankful for the progress I've made so far.

In a lot of ways, I'm pretty proud of myself for the progress I've made so far. But as I got closer and closer to my 'goal weight' (the arbitrary number I had in my mind of the weight that I 'wanted' to be), I started to wonder what the point was. Sure, I could go out and get myself a smaller cuter swimsuit than the ones I wore last summer, but who cares? I definitely started to feel the pull of a new challenge. Today was the start of my third week at Crossfit North Cobb, and I loved every minute of having my butt kicked by today's WOD. Sure, there were a few minutes where I was struggling, but those moments of digging deep and pushing myself continue to feel incredible, and I can't wait to go back again tomorrow.

So all in all, it's nice to feel 'thin' again, but I'm ready to feel strong.

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