Wednesday, April 13, 2011

the Brass Bell tolls....

So this weekend was the OFFICIAL launch of The Brass Bell Stitchery. Exciting. I know. Try to contain yourself. Although if you are a person who can do cartwheels, I would like you to go and do a few in honor of my shop launch, because I am woefully inable to execute a proper cartwheel without seriously injuring myself.

On top of that? Was contacted by the lovely Greta who told me she LOVED my shop, and wanted to promote my shop and do a giveaway! Hooray! So hop over to her blog before April 20th for your chance to get my delish little Amelia Convertible Wristlet. You know you want it.....
RESERVED FOR GIVEAWAY the Amelia convertible wristlet - Amy Butler Temple Tulips

And here for your viewing pleasure are a few more goodies from my shop. Stop by and take a peek!

the Maggie Traveller - Zebra

The Penelope Clutch - Peacock

the Amelia convertible wristlet - Tokyo Rose