Tuesday, September 27, 2011

It's me....I'm still here....

Blog? What blog? Oooh you mean that blog that I started and then I fell off the rails after a while. That blog.

Here are some things that are new, since I haven't posted in a while. Also, this is in bullet form because this morning's P90X has made my arms feel like limp sausages:

  • I'm married to Kevin! Have I posted since our wedding? Hmm...
  • We have a dog! Her name is Ruby and she's a Rhodesian Ridgeback/Corgi/Who knows? Let's just say she's a mixed breed and leave it at that. She likes bacon cheddar cookies, going for walks, squeaky toys, and chasing other dogs at the dog park. She dislikes being told when to go to the bathroom, being ignored, taking baths, and vegetables. 
  • I have a new job (woo!) and it is UH-MAzing. Seriously. 
  • I'm exhausted - it's been a busy week already and it's only Tuesday. Last night we had Newlyweds Small Group, tonight and tomorrow night I have staff meetings for my student assistants, Thursday night is Married Life Live at church, and Friday my cousin and his wife are flying into town and I am cooking dinner for the WHOLE family. The whole family. 

This is crazy-town, people....