Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Bullet Journaling

OK, so not every post on here is going to be about paleo stuff, but I thought I'd share something that's been super helpful to me over the past couple of weeks. I consider myself to be a pretty organized person overall, but I do tend to jump around a bit from task to task, especially when I'm doing stuff around the house (like laundry, dishes, cleaning, etc.). A while back I was listening to the Joy the Baker podcast (or - as Kevin affectionately calls it - the "Valley Girl" podcast) and Tracy Benjamin started talking about Bullet Journaling. It piqued my interest, but wouldn't you know it? I wrote it down on a sticky note to look into it later when I had time, and promptly lost the sticky note.

Anyway, I thought I'd share the Bullet Journal video - it's a great (and super quick and concise way) to keep yourself organized. I start the day by sitting down to eat breakfast and grab a cup of coffee, and my bullet journal is always open and ready so I can start processing all of the things I'm trying to accomplish throughout the day. I especially like the super easy notations that help me keep track of what I've finished, what is still pending, what's become irrelevant, and what tasks to carry on to the next day if I don't finish them. I really like having a master list of bigger tasks that are assigned to each month, too. Happy Bullet Journaling!

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