Thursday, February 17, 2011

Just me and my little blue sewing machine...

About a month ago, Kev and I decided it was time to change our diet. We'd been doing the vegetarian thing, but we weren't loving it. Kev listened to an audio book about the benefits of a low-carb diet, and we're both hooked. We've both lost weight (yay!) and are feeling great with our 4-5K walks that we do together each day. The problem? Hello? I bake a lot. And baked goods are basically carbs. Carbs mixed with sugar. Uh-oh. So what was I going to do for fun? My baking hobby was about to take a steep nosedive, and I was feeling a little antsy, needing a new creative outlet that wouldn't reduce my figure to that of an Oompa-Loompa in a few months time.

So what's a girl to do?

I bought a sewing machine.

I've been spending an hour or so a night playing with different fabrics, and I've decided to open my own Etsy shop where I can sell my little collection of handbags. I'm REALLY excited about this - seriously. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night, and I need to be very careful not to start thinking about all the yummy fabrics I have sitting on the shelf in the studio. When I do that, my brain starts whirring, and it's all I can do to get back to sleep.
ANYWAY, I've made about 6 handbags so far, and the last two nights, I embarked into the world of the clutch purse. I'm GIDDY about the outcome. My favorite so far is a little clutch I made from some adorable fabric I found at JoAnne's - I might need to buy multiple bolts of this fabric, and just cover the whole house in it. It's fab.

Kevin has a Microsoft-something-or-rather meeting tonight, and so I'm going to go home and put on my favorite pair of ripped, paint-splattered, super-comfy jeans, steal one of Kev's super comfy college t-shirts from his drawer, and settle in for a nice evening of sewing. I'll also be catching up on my Glee. I know it's been inexcusably terrible lately, but it's like a train wreck, I can't help but watch it. Justin Beiber? Seriously? Are you guys scraping the bottom of the barrel?

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