Wednesday, December 28, 2011

I'm too young for this stuff...

The great knee mystery continues....

Since a couple days after we returned from our trip to Canada over Thanksgiving, I started getting a really intense painful swollen feeling in my right knee that would sometimes turn into numbness in my foot. Strange, right? What's stranger still is that sometimes it just cracks unexpectedly, and that seems to alleviate some of the pressure. Walking seems to exacerbate it to some degree, but I just about go nuts whenever I drive. What the heck?

I went to my regular doctor, who scratched her head and sent me to an orthopedic surgeon. He scratched his head, jerked my leg around a little, poked my knee with some instruments, scratched his head again, and sent me for an MRI. During the few days between having the MRI and getting the results, my back started to bother me as well I chocked it up to sleeping in a strange position. Then the doctor called today: turns out the MRI is totally clear and normal, and he thinks I may have done something to one of the discs in my back, which apparently can make the rest of your body feel all kinds of crazy things (like knee pain! yay!).

So looks like physiotherapy for me next week. Hope some peppy physiotherapist can whip me back into shape!



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