Saturday, February 1, 2014

What Matters Most

I love this quote. It's been playing over in my mind for weeks since the first time I heard it. It's so true, too. I think all the time about intentionality, and about how if I don't set my priorities, the world will do it for me. It's true in the big things as well as the little things. If I don't set aside quality time to spend with Kevin, my week will get filled up with running around and checking things off my to-do list. If I don't make eating clean and healthy a priority, I'll run around chasing other things until I'm left with just enough remaining energy to hit the Wendy's drive-thru and collapse onto the couch as I stuff my face with a couple of crispy chicken sandwiches and one of those tasty tasty frosties. 

The sermon that this quote came from focused a lot on investing your time wisely, and how when it comes to the most important stuff (health, family, etc.), you can't just let things fall by the wayside with the intention of 'making up for it' later. Time is a finite thing, and we only get so much of it. I feel like it makes a lot of sense, even if you're not religious.

So the question I'm trying to ask myself this year is: "What are the areas of my life that matter most, and am I investing my time wisely in those things?"

What's the answer for you?

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