Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Okay, that might qualify as the lamest possible blog post title ever. Suffice to say I've been in a bit of a funk the past couple weeks. My poor husband has been sweetly putting up with my sarcasm, but I've GOT to get out of this mood!

I'm not sure what the culprit is. Is it the weather? Surely not - I've been looking forward to fall since the first sweltering day of summer. I'm actually loving the cool crisp temperature that greeted me when I left the house this morning. 

Is it my diet? Maybe....I've been stressed lately, and I've been sick, and both of those contributed to a less-than-stellar stretch of eating habits. Crackers. Ice cream. Mashed potatoes yesterday for Thanksgiving. Disaster. 

Maybe it's just busy-ness. That could totally be it. With the crazy back issues I had been having (you can read about it here) I've been going to a chiropractor at least three times a week for adjustments. I remember sitting in the chiropractor's office when they told me they were going to recommend at least three adjustments per week, and I also remember thinking "I have to drive all the way out here THREE TIMES A WEEK?". I think that thought was quickly followed with "okay, well I guess I will have to make that work so I can start feeling better". And for the most part, I have. Some days of the week I get up super early before work to go to the chiropractor, and I make it to work before anybody else even gets there. Other days, I leave work an hour early so I can go get adjusted. The exciting thing? I've been feeling LOADS better, I can move around, bend over, and sit comfortably on the couch without the crazy nagging back pain that was literally causing me to have to lay down mid-day. The down-side? I think I'm starting to get worn out from all the extra running around. 

It might seem like a small thing, but with all the busy-ness I've been experiencing at work, plus the busy-ness of the weekends, I'm starting to feel VERY ready for a vacation. Luckily, I only have to wait a few more weeks. In just 40 little days, Kevin and I will be headed down to Florida to hop on a cruise ship for a week. I will get on that ship, put on something outrageously comfortable, ask server for a fancy umbrella drink with extra cherries, and begin a week of bliss...

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