Tuesday, August 7, 2012

If you really knew me....

I've seen a few bloggers do this post lately, and thought it was fun. A lot of days, it's easy to post an awesome salad recipe, talk about shoes, or just not blog at all. I thought this would be a fun way to get a little more personal.

If you really knew me....

You'd know that I am one heck of an introvert, but I can be dragged out of my shell pretty easily. On the surface, I rely on a quick wit and a deep vein of sarcasm, but deep down I like to watch people. Observe. Reflect.

You'd know that I need my 'me time'. My husband knows this (bless him) and puts up with me when I get moody. Sometimes I just get in this state like Melville when "...I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul..then, I account it high time to get to sea as soon as I can". Sometimes I just go grocery shopping by myself, or retreat to the little office/studio we have in our cozy townhouse to play with fabric for an hour or so.

You'd know I have my grandma's toes. Not literally, I don't actually own her toes. But my toes are JUST like hers. We have twin feet.

You'd know that I don't like to go around with my nails un-painted, and it's even worse when they're painted but chipping. I think when I'm going about my day and I stop to think for a minute, I find myself running my fingers over the glossy smooth enamel on my nails. I don't consider myself too girly, but I like to indulge in a fresh coat of nail polish every day or two.

You'd know that there are a lot of things about me that you wouldn't guess based on my demeanor or the way I dress. I like science fiction, would love to learn to ride a motorcycle sometime soon, and sometimes dream about moving to a big wide open place like Montana where the stars are clear at night.

You'd know that I am not ambitious in the traditional sense. A lot of people around me are very career focused, with their focus on the next big promotion, the next graduate degree, climbing the ladder. I've never been that way, and I wonder if I ever will be. I prefer to make my own goals. Be the best wife I can. Keep pursuing God every day. Stay connected to my family the best I can. Keep a comfortable and happy home for Kevin and Ruby and I. These might not be the kind of ambitions that will result in diplomas on the wall, but I feel like at the end of my life, I'll look back on these things and be proud.

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